18. Soul Care and Spiritual Development with Author, Storyteller, Speaker, Former Actress, Wife, and Mom – Wendy Speake


Wendy Speake is a California gal now living in Texas with her husband and three teenage boys. She is a former Hollywood actress and is a natural storyteller and poet who loves to write and speak. She is an Enneagram 4 and calls herself a feeler who finds her joy in prayer and quietness.

In this episode of Courage Becomes Her, Wendy Speake talks about how our culture is spiritually malnourished and has focused so much on looking good on the outside that we’ve neglected our spiritual development and understanding the foundation of our beliefs, philosophies, and worldviews.

We talk about Wendy’s new book, The 40-Day Feast, that is focused on inspiring us to have a habit and practice of reading God’s Word, The Bible, to spend time learning from God and allowing ourselves to be developed and transformed through wisdom. 


Resources from my conversation with Wendy:


Please feel free to contact Wendy through her website and follow her on Instagram

Enter to win a copy of Wendy’s new book, The 40-Day Feast, on the January 10th post on Laurel’s Instagram.


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Production by Studio C Creative Sound

Corey Emory

Raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Corey Emory lived in Montana, Oregon, Colorado, and Sri Lanka before settling in a small California beach town. His work has appeared in ZYZZYVA, VietNow Magazine, Windhover Journal, and other literary publications.

As a writer, Emory credits the likes of Ernest Hemingway, Ayn Rand, Flannery O’Connor, and Sylvia Plath as influences, as well as Joan Didion, J. D. Salinger, S. E. Hinton, and Bret Easton Ellis.

Married since 2001, Emory shares his home with his wife and cats.


19. Growing Intellectually through the Practice and Discipline of Reading with Host of Courage Becomes Her – Laurel Emory


17. Taking Care of Our Skin with Aesthetician, Skin Therapist, Business Owner, Wife, and Mom – Ginnaea Galvan