Book Writing Announcement

Yep, I’ve been keeping a secret for a few months!!

I’m writing a book! 


C.S. Lewis says that “we read to know we are not alone”, and one of the main reasons I’m writing this book is to help you to feel less alone. 🤗

I’m going to keep the topic a secret for a little while longer, but I will tell you that if you look at the photo below of the incredible books that I’m using for my research, you’ll start to get some ideas. Hint: it’s #personaldevelopment 

Now, I know a lot of people say to not tell anyone that you’re writing a book until it’s actually complete, but since the only other book I’ve ever written is my doctoral dissertation, I need you to hold me accountable to finish it.

For those of you wondering, I don’t yet have a literary agent or a publisher, so I’m on the lookout for those, or I may go the self-publishing route - TBD 😉

I appreciate you coming along with me on this journey and look forward to sharing more in the coming weeks and months.


My 2021 Reading List


7 Books That Transformed My Life