27. Turning a Side Hustle into a Full-Time Business with Operations Management Expert, Virtual Assistant Extraordinaire, Competitive Power Lifter – Rachel Pulido


Rachel creates ease for you and your business by providing you with tailored systems, processes, procedures, guidance, and support. Name your operations management or virtual assistance need and Rachel will get it done!

In this episode of Courage Becomes Her, Rachel talks about taking a leap of faith to start a side hustle that quickly turned it into a full-time business. She talks about the life goals that led her to begin the side hustle, the mindset that governs her decision-making, her willingness to experiment and discover new things, her philosophy of staying adaptable and figuring things out as she goes, how she identified her niche and draws healthy boundaries so that she stays within that niche, and how she finds motivation each day.  

Rachel is a long-time southern California gal who loves coffee, is a competitive power lifter, serves on the board of a non-profit that serves kids in her community, and is Mom to a spunky shih tzu, Wicket.

Rachel is open to new clients for operations management or virtual assistance. Please take a look at her website to learn more about her services and reach out to her through her website or through Instagram.


Resources from my conversation with Rachel:

·       Anne of Green Gables Book Set

·       Nancy Drew Book Set

·       Laura Ingalls Wilder Book Set

·       Heavy Breathing Foundation


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Production by Studio C Creative Sound

Corey Emory

Raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Corey Emory lived in Montana, Oregon, Colorado, and Sri Lanka before settling in a small California beach town. His work has appeared in ZYZZYVA, VietNow Magazine, Windhover Journal, and other literary publications.

As a writer, Emory credits the likes of Ernest Hemingway, Ayn Rand, Flannery O’Connor, and Sylvia Plath as influences, as well as Joan Didion, J. D. Salinger, S. E. Hinton, and Bret Easton Ellis.

Married since 2001, Emory shares his home with his wife and cats.


28. Taking a Leap of Faith to Not Move Forward with Launching a Business with Serial Entrepreneur, Business Advisor, Marketing & Communications Strategist, Wife, Mom, and Dog Mom – Lisa Duncan


26. Writing and Publishing a Book with Chair Stylist, Designer, Artisan, Educator, Entreprenista, Wife, Mom, and Dog Mom – Wendy Conklin of Chair Whimsy