28. Taking a Leap of Faith to Not Move Forward with Launching a Business with Serial Entrepreneur, Business Advisor, Marketing & Communications Strategist, Wife, Mom, and Dog Mom – Lisa Duncan


In this episode of Courage Becomes Her, Lisa talks about taking a leap of faith to not move forward with her business idea. She talks about how being true to her nature as a logical thinker and an intuitive strategist guided her through a rigorous and rich discovery process that ultimately led to the very difficult decision to not launch the start-up that she had been working on. She shares insights about the process she took, the questions she asked herself, and ultimately how she arrived at the decision she did. She also shares about how learning more about herself through the Enneagram affirmed her decision. She shares tips that other entrepreneurs can use when considering starting a business, as well as when you’re not experiencing the success you anticipated. 

Lisa is a born and raised east coast gal turned west coast gal who prefers the beach over the mountains. She is an intuitive marketing and communications strategist and loves serving the start-up community through her work on the board of Sacramento State University’s Executive MBA program. Lisa can be found inspiring you with how you can style your sentimental memorabilia and family heirlooms. She and her husband can be found on regular walks with their dogs and enjoying time with their adult daughters.

Lisa welcomes you to reach out to her and connect with her through Instagram.


Resources from my conversation with Lisa:

·       The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

·       The Artist’s Way Workbook by Julia Cameron

·       P.I.N.K. Creatives Retreat

·       The Lean Innovator Program

·       The 5 Whys

·       The Road Back to You by Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile


 Share Your Stories & Guest Suggestions:



 I’d love to hear from you!


Production by Studio C Creative Sound

Corey Emory

Raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Corey Emory lived in Montana, Oregon, Colorado, and Sri Lanka before settling in a small California beach town. His work has appeared in ZYZZYVA, VietNow Magazine, Windhover Journal, and other literary publications.

As a writer, Emory credits the likes of Ernest Hemingway, Ayn Rand, Flannery O’Connor, and Sylvia Plath as influences, as well as Joan Didion, J. D. Salinger, S. E. Hinton, and Bret Easton Ellis.

Married since 2001, Emory shares his home with his wife and cats.


29. Evolving, Pivoting, and Redesigning an Established Business with Business Owner, Brand Strategist, Marketing & Communications Expert, Wife, and Mom – Erin Davis


27. Turning a Side Hustle into a Full-Time Business with Operations Management Expert, Virtual Assistant Extraordinaire, Competitive Power Lifter – Rachel Pulido