29. Evolving, Pivoting, and Redesigning an Established Business with Business Owner, Brand Strategist, Marketing & Communications Expert, Wife, and Mom – Erin Davis


In this episode of Courage Becomes Her, Erin Davis talks about the realization that it was time to make changes to her successful business. She talks about how her heart wasn’t in it anymore and how external circumstances facilitated, and maybe even forced, an opportunity to rethink what she was doing and offering. She shares about how fears and limiting beliefs were driving her and how she worked through those to move to a place of being true to herself and evolving her business to align with who she authentically is. She talks about how she has felt alone over the last couple of years and how this shift in her business is also a means of deepening community in her life and creating that for other women as well.

Erin is a tenured brand strategist with a marketing and communications business that has successfully served clients for over 15 years. Erin is honored to serve women entrepreneurs by helping them build authentic brands so that they can grow their business with clarity and confidence. Erin is a California gal, and a married mom of four. She and her husband and their two younger children live on a ranch in California’s central coast where she loves walking the property with their dogs while praying and listening to podcasts.

Erin welcomes you to reach out to her and connect with her through her website, and you can also find her on Instagram.


 Resources from my conversation with Erin:

·       The Road Back to You by Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile

·       Richard Rohr’s book about the Enneagram

·       The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

·       It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa TerKeurst

·       Bible app


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 I’d love to hear from you!


Production by Studio C Creative Sound

Corey Emory

Raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Corey Emory lived in Montana, Oregon, Colorado, and Sri Lanka before settling in a small California beach town. His work has appeared in ZYZZYVA, VietNow Magazine, Windhover Journal, and other literary publications.

As a writer, Emory credits the likes of Ernest Hemingway, Ayn Rand, Flannery O’Connor, and Sylvia Plath as influences, as well as Joan Didion, J. D. Salinger, S. E. Hinton, and Bret Easton Ellis.

Married since 2001, Emory shares his home with his wife and cats.


30. Living a Life of Adventure with Lover of Literature, Public-School Teacher, Visionary, Traveler, and Dog Mom – Elizabeth Fiorito


28. Taking a Leap of Faith to Not Move Forward with Launching a Business with Serial Entrepreneur, Business Advisor, Marketing & Communications Strategist, Wife, Mom, and Dog Mom – Lisa Duncan